Organization Skills Camps
Large group of students studying together in the classroom.

Back to School Organization Skills Training for Middle School Students

Who: This one week program is designed to help middle school students, rising 6th to rising 8th graders, who struggle with organization, time management, or planning skills. It is open to any student who would like to improve their skills in this area (even if they aren’t having trouble!)

When: August 1-5th, 2016. Camp runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Drop-offs begin at 8:00 am and Pick-up must occur by 5:00 pm.

Where: FIU Center for Children and Families (Modesto Maidique Campus)

Description: Back to School Organization Skills Camp is an opportunity for middle school students to receive intensive instruction, training, and practice in organization, time management, and planning skills. Trained graduate student counselors provide support to students with specific program goals listed below:

  • Help students develop a system to organize school materials.
  • Teach and practice time management skills related to completing academic work and managing one’s daily responsibilities.
  • Provide instruction in planning ahead for tests and projects—both in classroom and service settings.
  • Practice new skills with peers on academic, extracurricular, and teamwork tasks.

A parent meeting on Wednesday evening (August 3rd) will share parent strategies to support transfer of new skills into everyday life.

Cost: $420, lunch and snacks provided


High School Workshop for Rising 9th-12th Graders

Who: Curriculum designed for teens, rising 9th graders to rising 12th graders, who struggle with attention and motivation problems, but all teens will be considered.

When: August 8-10, 2016. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Drop-offs begin at 8:00 am and Pick-up must occur by 5:00 pm.

Where: FIU Center for Children and Families (Modesto Maidique Campus

Description: Teens with ADHD often struggle to find motivation and willpower push through tedious or difficult schoolwork. High school requires independence from parents and finding your own reasons to do your best in school and other areas of your life.

The High School Workshop is designed to help teens mentally prepare for a new year in high school through self-exploration and exposure to helpful strategies. Twelve slots available.

  • Mindfulness and stress management
  • Discovering your priorities
  • Strategies for focusing during school work
  • Thinking about your future
  • Creative and confidence building activities
  • Finding inspiration
  • Fighting procrastination

Cost: $450, lunch and snacks provided.


Spring Break Organization and Skills Training Camp for Middle School-Aged Adolescents

Who: This one week program is designed to help middle school students who struggle with organization, time management, or planning skills. It is open to any student who would like to improve their skills in this area (even if they aren’t having trouble!)

When: April 10th-14th. Camp runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Drop-offs begin at 8:00 am and Pick-up must occur by 5:00 pm.

Where: FIU Center for Children and Families (Modesto Maidique Campus)

Description: Spring Break Organization Skills Camp is an opportunity for middle school students to receive intensive instruction, training, and practice in organization, time management, and planning skills. Trained graduate student counselors provide support to students with specific program goals listed below:

  • Help students develop a system to organize school materials.
  • Teach and practice time management skills related to completing academic work and managing one’s daily responsibilities.
  • Provide instruction in planning ahead for tests and projects—both in classroom and service settings.
  • Practice new skills with peers on academic, extracurricular, and teamwork tasks.

Recreational and fun activities also occur during the program day. A parent meeting on Wednesday evening (April 12th) will share parent strategies to support transfer of new skills into everyday life.


Cost: $420, lunch and snacks provided